Thursday, December 13, 2007

Friends of Neston Library

I was in my local library on Tuesday morning and was having a look at some of the photographs around the library in connection with the ongoing celebrations of the library's centenary. Then I noticed a little bag on the wall containing some leaflets.On further investigation, these proved to be about the Friends of Neston Library. When I saw there was also a web site address on the leaflet,I thought it might be worth a look.I'm glad I did as it has proved to be a very interesting site with a wealth of local information. The only problem I found when I looked at it on AOL was the size of the text. It was tiny! Now, I'm sure there is probably a way of enlarging the text, the only trouble is I'm not sure how. Anyway, no matter as I solved the problem by using Mozilla Firefox where I found the text to be an easily read size. If anyone is interested,the web site address is I've also put the link on Friday Skywatch and it is on top of My Life.It will give anyone who reads it an idea of where I live, which I have to admit I think is pretty nice!


Lilli & Nevada said...

What i can read of this which is not much, as it is so tiny that my poor eyes can't make it all out and i don't have bifocals sorry.

dot said...

Hi Angie! I missed you on Sky Watch. I don't know if this is your Sky Watch picture but it sure is pretty!

FO - 2 said...

Beautiful! :)
Great colours.