Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A bit more interesting

I've been having a bit of fun tonight messing around with this blog, well, trying to make it a bit more interesting. I've added a picture, updated my profile.If anyone does read my profile,you'll see that I've put Wind in the Willows and Pride and Prejudice as my favourite books.Wind in the Willows is my all time favourite children's book. Pride and Prejudice? My first encounter with this book was at school when we did it for O-level English Literature and I absolutely hated it! It was some years later when for some reason, I read it again and realised what a wonderful judge of character Jane Austen was and how astute her observations on her characters were. I can remember thinking when reading some of the scenes,"Oh my God, I can remember doing things like that".
Just to end this posting, I'd just like to say that all comments (especially complimentary ones!) will be gratefully received.


dot said...

Hello! You visited my blog about a week ago but I was on vacation and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to answer you. If you'd still like to join Friday Sky Watch let me know and I'll put your name on the blog roll.

dot said...

I'm adding you Angie. Any sky picture taken anytime is fine. Looking forward to seeing your pictures!